LPLC Multi-Column 2C-PCC

YMC’s multi-column chromatography systems offer significant advantages which helps increase capacity (de-bottleneck downstream) or reduce Protein A cost. The EcoPrime Twin “2C-PCC” solution is built on ChromaCon intelligence and patents takes advantage of the most simple GMP scale multi-column technology.
Compared to conventional batch processes, the system delivers enhanced resin capacity utilization (up to 3X), decreased buffer consumption (by over 50% in many cases), and increased product concentration. The design eases manufacturing validation and minimizes risk of down-time and reduces operating costs.
EcoPrime Twin maximizes asset utilization, saves space and cost using pre-packed or conventional columns and options to have multiple modes of operation on single skid: Multi-column continuous or extended batch operation Conventional batch. Sequential polishing (two different steps (e.g. bind/elute - flow through) with no hold up Buffer In-line Dilution capability integrated.
The system includes:
- Pump(s) with hygienic design capable to deliver industry best-in-class precise flow.
- Multiple inlet and outlet valves.
- Air sensors to protect the columns or prevent dry running conditions.
- pH, conductivity, pressure and temperature probes/sensors
- Coreolis flow meters to control and/or verify pump flow rates
- Dual wavelength UV monitors in the range at 280 and 300 nm
- All necessary tubing, valves, instruments, connections and safety devices for GMP process requirements.
- System automation and control with an easy to follow user interface